Excellence signed Raynaud
Raynaud is a name that has perpetuated the Limoges porcelain tradition for over a century through three generations of entrepreneurs. Raynaud creates refined porcelain, constantly searching for elegance and generosity.

For over a century, Raynaud has created porcelain full of poetic charm, with elegance and generosity as guiding principles. Poetic vision guides every stage of creating collections, which never fail to dazzle by their sophistication, rich narrative and the expressive nature of each piece. This distinction is shown in the profusion of colours and subtle shades, the variety and finesse of the patterns, the precision in their placement on the pieces and the extensive research devoted to designing shapes.
High quality standards are key and drive the design and production of this eminently refined porcelain. The excellence of Raynaud porcelain is now recognised throughout the world, as it is characterised by this expertise and combined with a keen sense of detail. Inspiration is drawn from many sources —art, gastronomy, travel and history— to passionately express an art of living that is free from the constraints of convention and curious about other cultures.